May 20, 2024

Before your frozen business can strive very well and also be successful you need to purchase the best equipment for your business.

As we know before, a freezer is an indispensable piece of equipment for frozen business in Nigeria. Getting a good freezer is very hard because you might not have the necessary experience to easily identify the freezer that will be the best for your products.

Many freezer brands in Nigeria are available in the market, but only a few of the freezers can meet the requirements of the frozen business in Nigeria.

So if you are looking to start a frozen business in Nigeria and you are looking for the best freezer to use to start your business, this blog post will provide you with the list of the best freezer brands that will serve you well in your frozen food business.

Best Freezer For Frozen Food Business In Nigeria

Many factors were considered before compiling the list of the best freezer for the frozen food business in Nigeria. However, some of the list of best freezer brands that are best from the frozen food business in Nigeria are:

1. Haier Thermocool MED Inverter Chest Freezer 259L

The Haier Thermocool Chest Freezer is a reliable high-top freezer that offers you high performance in freezing your food items to keep them fresh. It has an efficient super-freezing function that freezes everything in it so fast that even when there is a blackout, it still stays cool, and this way it preserves your frozen food items for a very long time. The freezer provides adequate storage space for lots of items to be stored, so whether you make sales or not, you don’t need to fear because, with the freezer space and its freezing capacity, your frozen food item will still be intact.

The price of this freezer is NGN505,641 on Jummia.

2. Bona Solar Freezer 218L

Bona Solar freezer is dual powered freezer that can be used for frozen food in Nigeria. The freezer works on normal electricity and also can be used with a solar DC supply. This means that even if there is no electric supply which is a common problem in Nigeria, you can power it with your solar system.

The holding capacity of the freezer is 218 liters. With this holding capacity, it can be used to store many frozen foods for a longer time without any of the food having a problem.

The price of the Bona Solar Freezer 218L is NGN585,000.

3. Hisense Chest Freezer FC 91DD

The Hisense Chest Freezer is a double-door freezer with a capacity of 702 liters that can store many frozen foods. The freeze is divided into two columns with each column working exactly at the same rate.

The freeze consumes less energy compared to other brands with the same capacities. This freezer is considered to be among the best freezer one can use to start frozen food in Nigeria.

The price of the Hisense Chest freezer as available from Jummia is NGN949,500.

4. LG 253Liters Capacity Fast Freezing Chest Freezer –FRZ 25K

LG is one of the leading brands in electronics. The LG 253-liter chest freezer is one of the best freezers you can use to start frozen food in Nigeria.

The freezer is designed with light materials and a good gas compartment which makes it freeze at a faster rate compared to other normal freezers.  The power consumption of this freezer is very small, so it needs to be just for a short time before the content inside it will start freezing.

The freezer interior compartment is also designed to conserve cold for a long time so that even if there is no electrical supply for a long time, the content in the freeze will remain intact.

The price of the LG 253Liters Capacity Fast Freezing Chest is MGM985,000.

So the above-listed freezer is the list of the best freezer you can use to start a frozen business in Nigeria.

How To Start Frozen Food Business In Nigeria


Choosing the best freezer for your frozen food business in Nigeria is a crucial decision that can significantly impact the efficiency, effectiveness, and ultimately profitability of your operations. With Nigeria’s diverse market and unique challenges such as unreliable power supply and high ambient temperatures, it’s essential to choose a freezer that can meet these specific needs.

From chest freezers to upright freezers, there are various options available to cater to different business sizes and budgets. However, prioritizing features such as energy efficiency, temperature consistency, durability, and storage capacity can help ensure that you make the right choice for your business.